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Dr. Shyamal kumar das

“Let’s hope for the best.”

Nobody can hope for the best if an individual is having predominant one or more true disease(s) i.e., origin or source of hopelessness or negative thinking or consciousness is predominant true disease(s). Again, these true diseases are inherited from our ancestors through genes which may present in an individual as recessive state or predominant state. The genes are responsible for the production of different harmful or useful things. Harmful products are created where there is true diseases are predominant in an individual is responsible for destruction of mental and physical peace creating consciousness. For example, “I think I will die by road accident, nobody will help me”, “The world will destroy very soon, I think so”, "I will not survive more than one month", etc.

If the individual is relatively healthy i.e., sick or not perfectly healthy becomes seriously ill instantly with the least adverse situation means in this condition the genes responsible for the production of harmful poisonous thing, become highly stimulated for producing poison. For example, in an occasion, an individual from rich and influential family was insulted with a very simple word. Severe headache was started immediately and became unconscious, a doctor was called quickly and his blood pressure checked very high although hypertension was never diagnosed previously, but both his mother and grandmother were having high blood pressure. Here one important point to be noted that this individual demanded that he was perfectly healthy. How it is possible, where the gene responsible for high blood pressure was inherited from his mother.

The intensity of poison depends on the number and nature of true diseases which are predominant in that very individual. For example, if Psoric miasm, Sycotic miasm are predominant the produced harmful things are not so intensified, but if PTS (Post Trauma Syndrome), PRS (Post Rabies Syndrome), PTD (Predominant Tubercular Diathesis), and Syphilitic miasm become predominant then the harmful product must be intensely toxic. For example, In 1966, Boston in America, very wonderfuland interesting experiment was done by a group of scientists. An accused was sentenced to death for serious wrongdoings and crimes. At that time scientists planned a test on the accused. By the permission of the government and prison authority the convict was told that his death sentence will be carried out by cobra bites instead of hanging. On the appointed day, the prisoner’s hands and feet were tied with a chair and blindfolded. Instead of cobra snake two safety pins were inserted in his body and was died within a few seconds. Next day it was known from post mortem report that snake venom was found in his body and died with that very poison. Now the question is -- from where the snake venom entered into the body though there is no incidence of snake bite. It was said that the poison was produced from the body of the accused himself.

So mind or negative thinking is not the responsible factor here rather it will be more scientific if it is considered that the origin of negative thinking is predominant true diseases create poisonous product depending on emerging situation by the genes of the individual inherited from ancestors.

In brief, the inherited true diseases (sickness) create consciousness i.e., negative thinking or harmful thinking or destructive thinking or destructive attitude or activities in an individual which can be considered as philosophy of life starts immediately after birth which is called philosophy of early life indicates the signs and symptoms regarding coming illness or impending illness i.e., results of disease.

On the other hand, the origin of positive thinking is the true diseases is in recessive state in the individual either after treatment with the help of Real Homoeopathy or inherited from ancestors through genes indicate the state of freedom. In this condition i.e., during positive thinking only beneficial materials (hormones and enzymes) are produced by the genes. [§9 In this healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.] So thinking positive or negative does not depend on personal will or reluctance, rather better to say it depends mainly on recessive or predominant state of the true diseases controlling the activities of genes i.e., production of useful or harmful materials in the individual.




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